"Otherwise that is just "misleading", yet another scummy business tactic."
What you are forgetting is that V2 is not in a release state. There are betas that are released more frequently. In fact the latest one was just released earlier this evening (my time). Those betas usually don't go to the main product page but are available in your account for download. Had you simply asked "Where did you get that ..." instead of the "You must be mistaken" comment I or likely basj would have pointed you to the proper page to get it.
I do not know how long V1 will be supported but I'm reasonably sure it won't end as soon as V2 hits release state. It is true that MSFT can issue an update that could potentially destroy just about any product. Particularly those such as StartAllBack and Explorerpatcher that require the older w10 taskbar. Eventually MSFT will either remove or gut (much like they did with dwm and aero in w8) effectively neutering those programs.
"As for your not acting civil remark, I am only expressing frustration to the situation at hand. It boils my blood when company greed takes over an amazing product."
I don't fault you for airing a grievance whether real or perceived. However you can still do so civilly. In fact that is indeed one of the forum rules.
"You also said initially that this subject was already "beat to death over the past couple of weeks" implying that a ton of people are complaining, but now you say it was only a few people? Which is it?"
It is exactly what I said. "beat to death" simply refers to the constant ad nauseum ranting and does not imply any number of people. For example this thread which only involves 2 people could be considered as such.
"I do not mean to offend you in anyway, and if I did, I apologize."
I thank you for the consideration however it would be incredibly difficult to offend me. I was more thinking "You catch more flies ..."
"I am just furious that a company would be so greedy. I could understand maybe if this was SD's only product (cause they would have to make money somehow) but they have a slew of other popular products and games that make them money. What they are doing now is simple greed"
I don't think the number of products relates to the companies needs. Neither of us has access to SD earnings and I don't think they publish them so we can't know for sure how well they are doing. I'm sure you have probably noticed that the cost of just about anything capable of being purchased is a lot higher these days. SD, the company, and its employees also have to pay those prices. I assume you have a job and I assume you make more now than you did 10 years ago (maybe not i can't know that) but I doubt you would work for a company knowing you will never get a raise. Especially when living expensive continue to rise. You would likely take some action (ask for a raise, find a diff job etc...).
"Like I said, I would be more happy if this was a subscription for $10 a year knowing I can get free update/upgrades forever."
Well do I have good news for you. You can (although its more than $10 a year but gets you access to free upgrades for a dozens or so apps) They call it Object Desktop (in case you didn't already know) and I for one think it is worth it (altho i typically despise the pay to play model).
Anyhow if you feel unsatisfied no one would blame you for moving on. I for one actually hope you can stick around.
Good Luck