Before you start reading, I just want to say that my general idea is that the planets look more impressive and realistic. I understand that the general intention is to stay faithful to the original game as much as possible, but considering that we are using a new graphics engine for this sequel, a lot of new things could be done. (My idea is that it resembles as much as possible what we see in the cinematic, although it is not necessary for the planet to be so colossal)

Celestial bodies of all kinds (colonizable stars, planets, and asteroids) could be scaled up to make them more imposing with respect to ships and buildings.
Gravity wells should also be scaled up a bit accordingly, as expanding the size of the celestial bodies will move the buildable zone out a bit.
If this request is not fulfilled I won't be upset, but maybe it could be a new configuration option that the player can choose.
Thank you.