Bug: When I drag the win10-style start menu to the lowest height, and I close the start menu, at that time, the start menu will become a little taller, and needs to be dragged to the lowest height again.
Translation Bug: Win10-style start menu->user->lock the PC option, in Chinese Traditional, it should be"鎖定" not "鎖上", although"鎖上" is ok, but "鎖定" is more formal.
Translation Bug: in the configure window, all the switcher (button to on/off function)'s "OFF" Translation in Chinese Traditional is wrong be translated to"離開", it should be"關閉".
Translation Bug: Some string in configure window, "restart Explorer" option be translated to"重新啟動 Explorer", it should be"重新啟動檔案總管".
Enhancement: Make live tiles for win10 style start menu, users can see the current weather or time in the tile, and click on it can bring me to the MS weather app or clock app. Just like real win10 start menu I can saw that information when I pin those app on start menu.
Enhancement: right click on the start menu will show a configure menu, if the menu can be semi-transparent, and with acrylic effect or mica effect will be great!
I like this software, hope you keep it up, thanks!