Silly embarrassing issue, but this old avatar is from more than ten years ago and... yeah. Silly pictures were in that year. However I cannot seem to change it. I go to the account info page, do the avatar change stuff, and cannot get it to update no matter what picture I use. The new picture shows up in the community avatar slot on the account info page, but it never actually updates. It just says "complete" and nothing happens. I've even edited the picture to be 100 pixels by 100, and get the same result. I still see the old picture in the corner, even if the account info page claims that a new picture is currently in active use.
As for support on this issue, it just redirects me endlessly to the account info page, and I'd please like that to not be the solution given. Because that's the problem. That's the page that isn't working, and I get the feeling that over the past decade various wires have been crossed and I'd need someone with greater levels of access to uncross them.