In the next upcoming beta, will it be possible to change Taskbar Height (in pixels?) The Windows 10 default is 40 while the Windows 11 taskbar is 48. (Instead of upgrading cause I like to switch back and forth between themes, currently trying to make my Windows 10 look like Windows 11)
+1 for this. In fact, there is a quite a big difference between small, medium and large taskbars. And since you created the whole new taskbar, you can also control their sizes? So, would it be possible to add 2 more taskbar sizes between the small and medium, and between the medium and large? The new size between the small and the medium could be 40 pixels, like in Windows 10?
They can be called very small, small, medium, large and very large, where the current small would be the new very small, and the current large would be the new very large. Or call them whatever - it would just be very good if we could have more taskbar sizes.