There are a lot of Techs that are either empty or do not seem to do anything.
When will we see more of them get filled in and/or implemented?
In particular, all of the Drone Techs after the 1st Drone Production Tech (that produces Drones, which can be used to unlock certain high level Techs, this Tech works), seem NOT to work: increases in Asteroid Mining Production and ways to send Production from one Core World to another World via some form of a Drone, etc.
Also a lot of mid level (and probably higher, but I have not tried all of them yet) military Techs seem to be empty (or do nothing),
as well as one or more Techs that seem to have been added to the game with/for the Yor Race are empty.
We also need some buildings/Districts/Wonders/Achievements/Citizen Specialties that will add more mineral production to a Core World, before the Factories/Industries/etc. start processing it into the production that is used to build things. There should be at least one or two buildings that you could build on every Core World, to increase mining production, with the usual tiles benefits depending the terrain of the tile they are built on and normal tile adjancency affects. (see next sentence).
Could you add some Mining Districts as well as a Miner Citizen specialty or profession that adds more mineral production.
Then make the Citizen Stats more useful, by making them add to the production in their specialty area. I mean add to the Raw Points in that area, not just % gains.
As an example of what I mean, a Scientist type citizen with a 5 Intelligence might add 0.5 Research Points, a Worker with a 6 Diligence might add 0.6 production, a Trader with a 4 might add 0.4 income, etc. Take their relevant skill Stat and divide it by some number such as 10, and that is how much they produce of that item per turn. These additions to productions would come before the various % gains get applied to get the final produced value. A Higher level version of the same profession would give a better yield that they produce.
When you reduced the Cargo Hull from 6 slots to 3 Slots you should have reduced it's Logistics Points needed by it, from 8 to (probably) 4.
Can we get back a bigger version of the Cargo Hull, as an additional Hull type, perhaps as a higher Tech required to get it, i.e. I want more than one type of Cargo Hull in the same game, i.e. I want the old Cargo Hull back as a 2nd Hull Type.
Also when you changed the sizes in slots that they have available for different size hulls, you did NOT change the various Prototype Ships, such as the Retribution, Raptor, Praxis, etc, so they could use the additional slots (now available) for equipment that they carried.
Carrier and Fighter Modes and combat need to be expanded and reworked considerably, Give Carriers (or other ships that carry drones/Interceptors/Assault Fighters/etc.) a Carrier Mode rather than Support Mode, that controls how they function in combat and get targeted by the other side in the battle. This should include how you want you Interceptors and Assault fighters to act in combat, i.e. Combat Air Patrol (defensive) or various offensive missions. It should be possible for a major warship to be an Escort or Capital Ship/Mode that also carries Fighters that you want to give orders/assign missions to their Fighters, while they are still functioning as an Escort or Capital Ship.
So you might want to add a fighter mission mode in addition to combat role mission (such as Escort or Capital) to all ships (that have fighters).
You might also split Support Mode into Fleet Support Mode (ships that support warships somehow), and Noncombatant Mode, e.g. Troop Invasion ships, that can not fight at all (they might some defenses), as well as pure exploration/survey type ships.
I would really like to be able to change what Modes various ships are assigned to in a Fleet, which would stay that way until I changed them again. So I can change what they do, as controlled by their Mode, before I send them into a Combat, or before I think that an enemy Ship/Fleet is about to attack. I would not be able to change these Modes in the middle of a battle, only before the battle, or during a normal turn.
This would allow me to change how a particular ship gets used as I get better and bigger ships available, or by the other ships that I have available in a particular Fleet, by changing what Mode it is assigned to.
Particularly, since we are adding upgrade modules discovered during surveying, to ships, such as surveyors, as well as warships, as they gain experience, we might want/(will need) to change what Modes they are assigned to use in combat, as they acquire more and more upgrades, e.g. an unarmed surveyor that acquires some drone bays, and defensive modules, you might want to handle differently, i.e. what combat Mode it is using.
Also try adding ways, perhaps by buildings or specialist citizens (they might be called tax collectors/agents or something similar), to change the tax rate (up or down) of a world from the Empire Rate.
Introduce a ZERO Tax rate to the choices for Tax Rates.
Additionally, perhaps have Sector wide rates/policies/etc. rather than just Empire/Race wide rates/policies. That way a newly colonized or frontier Sector could be treated differently than an old well developed Sector, or because one Sector is in a active War Zone, while another Sector is well removed from any fighting. (I think I saw someone else suggest something similar to this).
I also wonder about game settings to control how many anomalies get added to a Sector, when a Race in that Sector researches (or acquires) Anomaly Detection. We can do this with the starting anomalies, we also need a way to control this for anomalies that get added.
On the Discord or on Steam I use the game nickname of Dray Prescot. (I do not try to keep it secret, my real name is in my public player profile on Steam).