My company recently disallowed all access to dropbox on our work computers. Ever since I get this message about fences about once an hour:
"Fences.exe is blocked from accessing by your organization at this time"
Is there a way to disconnect fences from dropbox so I stop getting the message? I'm not sure why it is trying to access it anyways.
Would you Please do this PURGE:
Reboot and ReInstall the latest version from your account
reboot ...test and report back if that works for you .
Thank You.
AzDudeStardock Community Assistant
Fences has (had?) a version check that leverages dropbox.
Support should be able to provide a registry key to disable it.
Hi I tried the purge, reboot and reinstall and that didn't work. I still keep getting the message.
I have forwarded your report to the Stardock support team for their review and recommendations.
Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates.
We really do appreciate your feedback, thanks.
We are also seeing Fences attempt to hit on as of 10/14/2019.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
In the registry, try setting:
CrashReportingEnabled = 0
Sean DrohanStardock Support Manager
Hello Sean - we are having this same problem with all of our Fences installs. Are you saying to add a new registry key in
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stardock\Fences ? Can't find 'CrashReportingEnabled' anywhere in a search.
If it's missing, you can use this to create it:
Hello Sean,
I have exactly the same problem with my install of Fences. I'm using the latest version, and it keeps connecting to every 30 minutes. I have tried purge and clean reinstall with no success. I have tried setting CrashReportingEnabled value to 0 in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stardock\Fences, but Fences deletes this value from registry and keeps connecting to
Please help, thanks in advance!
Hello,I have forwarded your questions/problems to the Stardock Support team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate you feedback and patience.
Thank You,BasjStardock Community Assistant.
Did you reboot after the registry change and was it the same (0) after the reboot?
I've retested the whole scenario again. I set the CrashReportingEnabled registry key to 0, then reboot. After the reboot the key is still present in the registry. In several minutes after the reboot I see the first connection attempt from Fences to and at the same time the registry entry disappears. Afterwards without the registry entry, Fences keep connecting to every 30 minutes.
I am experiencing the same issue with the dropbox and every 30 minutes. However, I have a slightly different twist. I did the registry entry using a 32-bit Dword. It worked for roughly a day and was somehow removed. I then did the same registry entry using a 64-bit Dword. The problem disappeared for almost a day. When it reappeared I would get duplicate error messages, but the registry entry was still present, it hadn't been removed. The error message is now random at this time. It could occur in 30 minutes or 3 hours. It still appears but the frequency as slowed.
I have created an edited Fences reg key that will update/create a few values in it.
As always, it is wise to back up your full registry prior to any manual work done on it:
Unzip the following (desktop is fine), double click it, accept the prompts.
Let me know how this works for you please.
I had the same issue.. I tried "FencesCrashOffNew", and that didn't work.Then tried "FencesStopDropBox2", and so far it's been 6 hours, and it looks like the issue is gone.
Thank you, sdRohan
This one worked for me as well. Thanks for the help, and let's hope the underlying issue would be fixed out of box in a future update.
This file appears to have also correct the issue with the office computer as well. On my second day with no Non-Compliant company generated error messages. Will continue to monitor and update if they return.
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