I have this giant suggestion post over in the GalCiv3 section, that is already 4 screen lengths long and still growing and I want to make the post more accessable without people just seeing a wall of text and closing the tab before reading anything.
Edit: nevermind what I wanted to say here. With some experimenting I found my problem, the version I found does work
BUT only for unformated text, as soon as I try to format the text inside it stops working.
This is the code I found:
<a id="show_id" onclick="document.getElementById('spoiler_id').style.display=''; document.getElementById('show_id').style.display='none';" class="link">[Show]</a><span id="spoiler_id" style="display: none"><a onclick="document.getElementById('spoiler_id').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('show_id').style.display='';" class="link">[Hide]</a><br>spoiler_content</span>
This is how it works with unformated text:
You can put a lot of unformated text in here. But I doubt that it is good for the readablity if it is completely unformated. It will just end as a big block of text with out any structure or organisation. which is not good for really long posts that are already hard to follow. Here an extract of my post as an example: You invested a lot into radar coverage or negotiated a Share Radar Treaty from your ally and it covers a large portion of your neighbors ZOC, so you could notice large movement in enemy territory long before they enter your vision, so you can prepare for an invasion but can't just assemble a perfect counter to whatever they're throwing at you(besides rough size of fleets) before they enter your vision. But you could also be fooled about the fleet sizes if the enemy uses Stealth and/or False Signatures. Or he invests into Wide Area Jamming Starbases to prevent you to get good radar coverage on his ZOC. Or he fouls you by sending multiple ships with jamming to different parts of your border but only one of those hides a large fleet while the others are decoys. Or the large movement is caused by an ally moving through other factions ZOCs on his way to his enemy and you could see that if you had a radar identification treaty. Or you decide that radar is too unreliable and focus more on vision, but then someone could goes for cloaking, slips past your defences and invades some important planets. Or destroy your long range vision emplacements so he can move in with non cloaked troops afterwards. The shorter range vision and jamming could make scouts more important for visual scouting or at least get close enough to penetrate the jamming with out risking a way more expensive sensor ship.
This is what happens if I try to put in formated text, it just ends up outside the spoiler:
Split Sensors into two Systems: Vision and Radar
Vision work similar to Sensors now, but with slightly reduced range and certain countermeasures, see Cloaking, but is uneffected by Radar-Disruption, see Stealth and False Signatures as well as Jamming.
Radar will be capable of larger ranges than Vision but only provides reduced/partial intel/information, Visualisation via new Iconset containing: Unidentified Planet for planets, Unidentified Resource for Durantium/Thulium/Promethium/Antimatter/Elerium, Unidentified Starbase for starbases and shipyards and artifacts and Unidentified Signatures for Ships and fleets with the Signature Size Indicator. Radar can be disrupted by Jamming.
Signiture Size Indicator The Unidentified Signatures Icon gains one arrow ^ for each 5 Signature Size (rounded up), the Signature of a ship is decided by the default logistic size of its ship class. The Signature Size Indicator can be manipulated by Stealth and False Signatures.
Stealth and False Signatures manipulate the Signature Size Indicator, Stealth will decrease it, while False Signatures are used to increase it. Note that stealth cannot remove the Indicator just reduce it to the minimum of a single arrow ^.
Cloaking prevents visual scouting of ships or even whole fleets. If a fleet is completly cloaked it will only show its Signature Indicator even when in vision range, If there is only some cloaked ships in a fleet, it's displayed the same as now but the display is extended by the Signature Indicator and the cloaked ships wont show in the display.
Visual Distortion ... to be added
Jamming creates a static noise field that's visible on the map, even outside your radar range but blocks radar completly, the origin of the jamming field is also displayed. Ships and Starbases inside a jamming field have 50% radar range penalty regardless of owner.
Interference Penetration has 10% of Radar range, works like radar but is not affected by jamming.