Welcome to the More Anomalies Mod. v1.1 (This mod is version agnostic and should work regardless of game version.)
Installation: Simply unzip the file into your “//MyDocuments/My Games/GalCiv3/Mods” directory, it will create a new
directory there. Then login to the game, go to Options, select the Gameplay Tab and check the box for Enable Mods.
Next, Exit the game and when you relaunch it the mod will be active.
Begin V1.1
(Tune)Tweaked credit output formula of Ancient Riches anomaly.
(Tune)Increased research bonus amount of Precursor Archive and V.Y.G.R. anomalies.
(Tune)Modified Planet Constructor anomaly to produce uninhabited world.
(Fix)Fixed Nano Swarm Artifact not terraforming all worlds, Credit goes to FrancoFx for reporting this and BuckGodot for
the code to fix it.
(Tune)Modified the Lost Fleet anomaly to produce a small but powerful fleet at the anomaly as the previous version was
OP in mid game larger maps and created maintenance issues for early game empires.
End V1.1
The purpose of this mod is to provide a broader selection of anomalies of all types.
Be aware some of the rarer anomalies are guarded by powerful fleets, you have been warned, be prepared for a fight.
I have not added guardians to the Artifact, Capsule, or Space Junk types but some of the Ship Graveyards are prowled by
much larger pirate bands. The rewards which have lured these corsairs to these places are of course much more significant.
Normally I give more details about what to expect in my mods but this one is all about the mystery of exploration so go out there and find out what is lurking in the dark corners of space.
As always in case you missed it the link is right HERE.
And you can always get all my mods right HERE.