That works pretty well. Thank you.
I probably shouldn't be using Object Desktop Manager to check things. Now that I've looked at the compatibility list on here, it doesn't match. And ODManager doesn't show things like the WindowFX beta version.
May I suggest that you post a prominent announcement of what works and what doesn't as well as those for which a beta or a temporary workaround is available? It's a bit frustrating having to hunt around through here to find out if stuff works or not. It'd also be nice to have some kind of timescale for replacements. We wouldn't have known that the WindowsFX update was in QA testing if someone hadn't asked here.
Maybe make that compatibility list a bit more comprehensive. For instance, it says that WindowFX is incompatible with Windows 10, but actually most features kept working. It says ShadowFX is compatible, but actually most features don't work. Icon Packager is incompatible, but it's working fine for me. Instead of a yes/no status it would be a lot more helpful if there was a partially/fully/not working status and some kind of timeframe for an update/replacement. I would imagine you've got an internal list of what's working and where everything is in development, so could we see a bit more of it? I came on here expecting a hive of activity and there are surprisingly few posts about this, giving a false impression of inactivity.