I would like to spawn two champions at the start of the game instead of spearmen.
Code: xml
- <GameModifier InternalName="GameModifier 2617">
- <ModType>Map</ModType>
- <Attribute>SummonUnit</Attribute>
- <UnitClass>Champion_Name</UnitClass>
- </GameModifier>
I tried this code, and while it does spawn the units at the start of the game like spearmen, it however does not count as a champion, despite the fact that the unit data IS a champion.
I tried using vanilla champions and resulted the same. No inventory, no skill tree.
Secondly, I have a global resource called "Sanity", it essentially work like Mana.
What I want to do with it is this:
If (Specific_Champion has no wounds)
Then increase Sanity by 1 per turn
Decrease sanity by 1 OR by the number of wounds per turn.
The only two ways I could think of this working is, every turn, add a passive ability that decreases Sanity by 1 per turn with a requirement of a specific Wound, then the same for every Wound individually.
Problem is, how do I remove the passive Abilities in every turn? Is there a way to have a passive ability that grants a stat ONLY when a requirement is met?
The other method is to have a passive ability that decreases Sanity by "Getting" the number of wounds as a variable on that champion. Again, I have not found any code that can do this.
Is there another way? Or is there a way to do the above?
Thanks in advance