Maybe some of these are possible, but i have not been able to find em. Then again im not that handy with this as some designs ive seen.
- show x- y- and z axes as reference on how movement will work
- allow me to rotate the design. to often i seem to have misplaced an item out of center. Also i cant see what to edit at bottem
- make new non places modules less transparent so i can see them better before placing them
- the opposite for when i use offset. offset makes the rest blacked out
- on oscillate give both the green and red slider their own slider. The way it is now i cant edit it properly in the text field
- have all modules been scaled to the base module (think ive seen this mentioned before)
- alow me to copy a module i adjusted
- on rotate the cancel buttons click is above the img
- on rotate show axis which it will turn around. I get the feeling they rotate around the side of a module instead of the center of a module. both should be possible
- toggle symmetry buttons should be about x-, y- an z axe no horizontal, vertical or minor. this makes it confusing for me
- a simple way to multi-select modules and group en from the design
will add more when i come across more items