There are several system problems with the current diplomacy machine.
- First and foremost, with alliance being placed soooo late in the tech three, they are effectively disabled. This takes out much of the fun, intrigue and complexity we all enjoyed in GalcivII, with coalitions waging epic wars. In FE (LH), from the mid game the cards are set and its just a constant war everybody vs. everybody (concerning AI).
Suggestion: Move the alliances more to the beginning of the tree (2nd or 3rd tier). Rename current alliances technology as Allied vitory, Unity or something.
- Secondly, trade system is very... poor. It is not clear, what different treaties (economy vs. trade) will bring and its just a matter of clickfest to have them signed, no intrigue behind it, no strategic decision.
Suggestion: Unite existing two econ. treaties in one with clearly defined benefit (road + economic bonus). Limit the number of econ. treaties per one faction (increasable by technology), so player has to take strategic decisions with whom he will trade. This way trade will become strategic diplo feature more than just a clickfest - aka trade routes in GalcivII.
- Diplomatic options are unnecessarily limited. I understand taking out direct tech trading, when there is a single tech tree, but why have you disabled cities and unit trading? Why cant we sign, in game with resources, longterm treaties on resources supply?
Suggestion: Consider adding some of the above mentioned options in the game.
- Caravans are...not functioning well (broken). Not only they have no real role in the game, they are also subject of many problems - AI Wither & Tremoring them and talking about that to player being the most well known.
Suggestion: Reworking the caravan system feels necessary, they are not working well as freighters in Galciv were... maybe swith to Totalwar system, where you cannot attack caravan directly, but placing a unit anywhere on the route means you are disrupting/looting that trade route?
So these are my two cents about the most subpar things about current diplomacy...hope it helps!