Would like to add, Ur-Masters is a fan made, FREE remake of Star Control 2, designed to run on modern computers. It also adds features like voiceovers and improved options from the 3DO version. As SC2 was arguably the best game in the series, definitely check that out first. Be sure to download the voices and remixes, when prompted by the installer.
There's also an UQM HD version, that cranks up the graphics and adds other features. It's currently in alpha, but completely playable here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/urquanmastershd/
Finally, there's another UQM mod in the works, that's basically a fan made sequel to UQM, called Project 6014. I don't want to speak for the developers there, but I believe they're looking for more help. A playable demo is available here: https://code.google.com/p/project6014/