Would anyone care to take a shot at designing a "Major League" Sins logo that could be used by people who play in the 5v5's? What I have in mind is the Marza against the blue/red background.
What exactly do you mean as in a logo? Where would it go, exactly - in replace of our Steam profile pictures?
I would place it in the right corner of my steam picture... i.e. something small.
I had something like this in mind. Cant' say this is real good. I took me a couple minutes to whip it up. It might be neat to use on other forums.
I guess this is the model for what I had in mind.
As a little side note, that logo is not the marza...it is in fact the original Kol, which is no longer in game...
If I did everything right my side pic should be a Skarovas on a MLG background
Note: it's severely distorted but you get a mediocre idea at least
Okay, I got one. Marza, with the original KOL design in the background, with the Rebellion logo, along with the words "Major League." The Marza image is courtesy of the new Steam trading cards.
Here's the link if you like it: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=i6dzpt&s=5
That latest one looks really neat.
Here's my newest version:
I agree.
That's the weirdest Marza I've ever seen!!
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