Oh, you ran into the 'invulnerable caravan of war' ploy. Nasty, isn't it? I think the invulnerable caravans should be invulnerable to monsters/wilds, and not kingdom/empire forces.
I don't really care if they keep the invulnerability. I'd be satisfied if foreign caravans simply stopped blocking my army from moving onto the tile where the caravan is. Even better would be if the caravan became just an animation on the road tile and the 'attacks' that Legacy of Serrane grants immunity to was the interdiction of the trade route by monsters/brigands/hostile armies ending their turn on a road (which would disable the trade bonus for a turn or two).
As for things I find useless:
- All the rusty/damaged armor pieces you can find that require chain (or plate) armor proficiencies to use, but which are not significantly better than leather from a defense perspective.
- Militia. Is there a good reason to use these guys instead of spearmen (either custom or default design)?
- Most of the traits in the 'General' category.
- Strategic summons after the early game.
- The equipment shop for champions. Leather armor is about the last stuff you can buy there that isn't exorbitantly over-priced (well, it is, but the total cost is at least still low enough that you probably don't need to wait a hundred turns to get it), and all the various animal parts you can get from monsters sell for so little that there isn't any real way to offset the cost of even mid-game equipment if you want to outfit your champions with gear similar to what your troops get. Better off just hoping to find something good in loot.