I never said hate. I was just saying that reloading the game when something goes wrong is against the spirit of the game.
You never said hate, but the way you presented your post, and the way most players are presenting this idea, like the word you use "Save Scumming" is very very negative, so while I say you "hate" (ok I might be putting words in your mouth to be exact) I base it from something rooted in your arguments, you are very negative about saving and reloading.
I know it might be hard to put oneself in others position, I only know about saving/reloading because I used to do that with FE for my first few runs, and I did with one playthrough of Xcom, you can always argue its more fair not to save or reload, but I will argue, how is saving and reloading a cheat, if it is implemented as a feature in the game? Thats is like saying using the cloth map is cheating, because you get a clearer view of the map.
I am sorry for my own negativity though, I just have a slight annoyance at the term save-scumming
Thank you for understanding, hope I could at least help it make slightly more sense to you.
Just understand the people who play like this come from a different point of view, I think both approaches can be interesting, although I personally prefer iron-maning games, unless the game is having fairly too random outcomes
I am having a hard time appreciating X-com on Iron-Man, meaby because I suck at it
, or because sometimes the starting positions are randomly screwing you over with incredibly difficult positions almost UN-winable... And I do play Xcom in a rather different way that I do Elemental for some reason 
please do tell me if I am being stupid though 
~ Kongdej