Just to be up front I haven't played diablo 3 yet, but I have watch lots of videos and listen to lots of people talk about it. I also have played many of the action rpgs. Every one seems to be loving this new diablo and it seems to be very addicting. Really this style of game is really simple just click until its dead, then click something else until its dead, then skip cut scene, then click some more. So what makes it addicting and how can we apply some of that to Elemental.
Things I think people really like.
1 Loot
2 Fun grinding and leveling
3 Ease/speed of play
4 Visual character changes/improvements
5 Unique characters
1 IMO loot is the best thing FE can learn from Diablo. (To be fair other people have listed this also.) It would be nice if heroes (and now henchmen) got unique loot from quests and high level monster lairs, instead of just the stuff the that you could buy in cities. Like a staff that adds mana in battle or a dagger with high crit that can be thrown one time across the battle field.
There is no reason to stop with characters either. Loot could be equiped to cities or kingdoms also. Call them relics and let them increase growth or town radius.
2 Leveling seems to pretty fast and painless. At every new level there is something, a new skill or a new buff to that skill or some loot, to play with. FE is actually getting pretty good at this as each kingdom is getting its own flavor and the maps have some of this already. But I don't think you can have to many toys to play with.
3 Action RPGs are click fests. They are kind of the opposite of turn based 4x games. I think the best you can say is a good UI and a good looking, fast engine can make or break how fun a game is to play.
4 RPGs in general turn nerdy video gamers into fashionistas. In Mass Effect 2 I refused to wear a helmet because I didn't like how it looked and to hell with the stats. Also the visual effects of powers can be effective. My two powers might be just slightly different AoEs but one has blue glowy lights and the other makes bad guys look frozen. Its very satisfying to see your empire grow and develop, or to see your champions look awesome with in their new armor on the battle field.
5 We are already getting unique empires with beta 3 so i won't write anything about that.
So what do you guys think? Am I full of crap?
Think of a game you enjoyed in the past, what made it fun (or addicting).