i was just disappointing that this pay pal system is just not working or its the STARDOCK web site that's not working good
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't 23 euros be enough if he was getting the discount from already owning Trinity/Diplomacy?
Nope, just a little short...
The game go from 39.95$ to 29.95$ with the discount... change rate used from euro to $ is the paypal change rate... as today, it is 1.27517 ... 29.95 / 1.27517 = 23.4870644 euro ... become 23.52 with paypal fixed cost
Sure, paypal exhange rate is not the best one but it is how they make their income for international payment... for local payment, you have a micro fee...
i was just disappointing that this pay pal system is just not working or its the STARDOCK web site that's not working good
Both work perfectly... you are simply a 1/2 euro short for buy the game... to be sure, add 1 euro to your paypal account...
Go to your paypal account... a the right side of your sold in euro, you have a "convertisseur de device"... click it... on the new page, right side again, the "conversion de devise"... type "convertion de payement", de "euro", a "uSD", montant "29,99"... click "calculer"... result is 23.52 euro !!! ...
For more info about paypal fee and commission, look at https://cms.paypal.com/be/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_render-content&fli=true&content_ID=ua/UserAgreement_popup#8.%20Fees
As for you screen, it simply show the main page of these forum... sure the page https://store.stardock.com/cart show a price of 20.75 euro but if you read below the screen, it is wrote "Prices based upon exchange rates as of 3/21/2012 and 9:00PM EST. Your order will be charged in US Dollars. Due to currency changes the prices may not reflect the exact exchange rate at the time of transaction." ...
well, have try to order a second copy of rebellion for make a screenshot of the paypal page with THEIR own exchange rate but it was a failure... seem that it is not possible to pre-order more that one copy ( this is maybe a bug ):
Only allowed to purchase one time.
You have already purchased this product and are ineligible to purchase a second copy. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Upgrade