So, played for roughly a day, here are my remarks:
1. Choosing a hooded cloak in character creation seems to remove any hairstyles and let the heroe go bold 
2. Wolf dens etc. do not show any indication of creature strength and no "ok" button for being done reading the message.
3. I cannot read the longer descriptions of buildings in the town window. They just end midsentence where the window ends.
4. Clouds seem to sometimes create graphic bugs extending down to earth.
5. I'm very dissappointed, that I can no longer train units AND build buildings at the same time. I've always hated that in Civ,
cause it makes no sense, and would love to see it be possible in FE.
6. Game seems to crash a lot after designing new units.
7. The buildings in the town view have a completely obscure ordering. Please make it alphabetically, by level, by power, by something.
8. Please don't allow razing cities in a single turn.
9. Will there be marriage & children again? My kids were my favorit hereoes in Elemental.
10. Is there any sense in trade treaties? They seem to have little to no benefit, especially if one has to pay the other ruler to agree. Also: how long will they be in place?
11. Balancing: Casters seem to weak to me so far. Mana too scarce. Shards too rare. Should be able to convert shards. Maybe more buildings to produce mana?
12. Balancing: Melee heroes reasonably strong in beginning. Monster armies much stronger still. Eventually player heroes & armies much stronger than monsters -> any way to prevent that? Have roaming monsters increase in strength & size? Have really tough monsters be stationary? Have basic units be cheaper to build?
So far so good. Like the game. Reasonably stable for me. Will have to play more