"Will the role of culture be enhanced? In particular, it is supposed to be Advent's specialty, but doesn't actually provide much of an advantage at all, especially in competitive games. Players know that they can just build one or two culture structures and then forget about it.
Culture’s role is being enhanced, but not in any way that would require more player management. The Advent players will gain some new advantages to being in their culture and other players would be wise to not just let that slide."
Interesting. What do you’s all think, they say it will be improved but not how.
Personal guess, if advent culture takes over an enemy planet, you should colonise it at the same time, converting all current structures into yours, like a domination on a planetary level, of course to prevent it being to powerful it would exclude starbases or perhaps even them but all of them have a half life of about 5-10 minutes before you have to build your own to replace them, depending on the level of the upgrade required to capture them in the first place?