Let's just look at the history of Stardock's online forums.
Once upon a time there was Stardock.com. That was it.
As Stardock diversified and [as is now the norm particularly with gaming] forums were created for all of Stardock's games/ interests [not just [GUI customizing] several sites were setup with inter-linked forums...so that no individual SD User/Customer was ever too far away/removed from his/her brethren and so you see the way the forums are setup now.
None of us is 'superior' to any other user...all are connected/related equally. Stardock has a forum architecture that is actually gregarious, unlike many.
The ONLY nay-sayers are closeted narrow-minded psychophants who need a dose of reality.
So those who say 'screw you' can just 'bugger off'.
I trust I have made my point tersely and succinctly....
Stardock's forums have gone through generations of change, just as the typical SD user has gone from Windows95 to Windows7.
We are now 88 levels behind...but in a better place....