My own take on this would be for the titan classes to have abilities that could expound upon those of friendly's cap ship abilities. For example, a titan of Athena class could have an ability that would-what's the word?- "tractor beam" a fleet of strike craft into a structure that has been magnetized by a friendly's Dunov.
So, a titan on the Advent side having a "shield restore" ability that would restore shields to all of the ships within ability radius that have been stolen with the "Dominion" ability surely would not be out of the question.
the thing to remember is that titan is a slow manuevering vessel that can be a boon to taking over planets. So any special ability would nescessarily have to include some type of planet siege capabilty, along with the ability to merely deplete a planet's health without taking lives and thus-making said planet a natural take-over planet. I would like to see more special abilities for all factions of titans.