the concept for the family tree in War of Magic was inspired by this series. Great series of books.
YES!! I have. Funny, I commented on your "Merlin" post before I saw this. I loaned my tattered copy of GOT to a friend. Alas, she likes the "Twilight" series I suggested this series of books.--much more character depth, sweeping epic landscape, lore etc...anybody who has read knows. She can't stop reading and talking about it. I chuckled when I ran into a NPC named Joffrey. the very name evokes animus--I was a huge Eddard fan. I know that's why I purchased Elemental to begin with. It sounded like Song of Fire and Ice but in game form. I think that is why--despite the glitches---I am still playing.
Your passion for gaming, creativity and veiled reference is TRULY appreciated!