I have seen a few posts recently regarding the world wide usage of population. Many people would prefer to have it localized. This lead me thinking as to how this could be managed.
My Idea
Allow the creation of a 'Refugee' unit. This unit would be buildable within 1 turn. It would cost 10 population and a certain amount of material (i suggest 1 or 2). This unit would not be able to be upgraded of changed in any way, and no sovereign/faction bonus would apply to it. This unit would have no attack and no defence (pretty much like a pioneer). I would also suggest making it slow moving, 1 or 2 spaces only. If this unit joined another city (owned or otherwise) it would add 10 to the population of that city.
The main purpose of this unit would be to transfer population around the map, although it could also be used to evacuate a doomed city. I can amagine a long line of refugees streaming out of a city that is about to fall, with troops despertely trying to slow the enemy down.
Obviously this would only really work if the population ever did go local (well to any meaningful extent anyway).
What do other people think. Is it an idea worth running with, or is it somehow not right for the game?