Ahh, glad I looked before I posted a bug report. I dragged my sick rear out of bed to try the new patch tonight. I started with my undead to check on a undead bug report I got as a PM tonight to see if I had the same problem after the patch, and I didn't, but I did notice I couldn't make any pioneers. The Undead don't have a default Pioneer Unit and I didn't see the Pioneer pack to create a new one. I wasn't sure if it was something with the Mod (since I expect to have to fix some things for the new patches) or if it was with the game.
At least now I know it's in the game and not something with the mod.
Add me to the list as bumping this bug report. What was the point in taking the pioneer pack out anyway? Or didn't they and this is just something with the Fallen? I haven't tried making one with a Kingdom faction, maybe I should?