Quest location does not equal your notable location level. They are different.
In general the game distinguishes four adventure related levels. And those again for your faction and the world in general.
Basically its monster & heroes level, quest level, notable location (or goodie huts) level and hidden resource level. The world level is thereby seemingly always the highest level across all the factions.
The mentioned individual levels are thereby increased researching particular branches in the adventure tech research tree. For the kingdoms there seem to be e.g. three path in the adventure tech research ... and although I don't remember the actual names, their order seems to constant. So let's just call them No.1-3
- No.1 - This seems to be the Heroes and Monster level branch. Researching it increases the level of spawning monster and champions for hire. If you don't like a dragon in your backyard beware of this branch.
- No.2 - Quests and goodie huts are here. They rotate. Researching it the first time increases your quest level, the next time the notable location level, then again questing ... you get the point. The text and name of the respective tech mostly gives a hint on which of the one of the two levels will increase.
- No.3 - Secret resources. Not 100% sure to the effect myself. One at least reveals orchards and/or bee hives. The shard spawning during the game could also be related to this. As might the appearance of other resources. Odd things is, that everybody seems to profit from researching into this branch. Not just the one actually researching it.
I hope this is more or less correct and answers your question. As for the Empire tech tree? No idea. Haven't touched the dark side yet.
PS Copied from various scatterd posts I made on this subject today. So, if something seems familiar ... sue me. *evil grin*
EDIT: As to the reload issue. Did you resarch a tech in the adventure three that turn that revealed thos level three locations? In general I'm not sure why the locations differed. I always assumed they were fixed for a map. But if they do, then the research in that turn might at least explain the changed locations. As for the levels ... see above.