... please fix/enhance AI behavior in regards to pirate bounties.
They all collude to keep pirates attacking the player. The only way I can get them off me is by dumping TONS of cash into an AI and hoping the pirates launch before they can instantly raise the bounty against me again. And then as soon as pirates come around again, they all just dump it right back on me. I dont' think I've ever seen the AI actually put bounties against each other.
Even if I'm not the top player, and I've not even so much as slightly offended anyone, I'm always the one who gets bounties dumped on me.
Why isn't the AI trying to purpose pirates and bounties for their own end, by putting them against enemies that are near them and posing a threat? I'm not saying they should get locked in a bidding war and lose ALL their cash trying to wrestle control of the pirates from each other for their own ends, but at this point I have to pretty much play with pirates off because the AI always knows who put a bounty against them - it's always me, because I'm tired of the god damn pirates being on my ass for the entire game (*rimshot*).
If I'm playing with three stars, and there's two enemies in each star, it'd make sense for every player to want to throw the pirates at each other to soften up their opponents and help them expand. Now, if players A and B are around star X, C and D are around Y, and E and F are around Z, if A sends pirates against B (which would make sense), C/D/E/F shouldn't go nuts trying to outbid A for control of the pirates - because they're not sent against them, so they shouldn't care TOO much. B however should have a pretty good idea it's A that sent them, because nobody else really has a reason to do so.
However this means C, D, E, and F could send pirates against opponents NOT nearby them (C bidding against A, B, E, or F) to fool them into thinking their neighbor is trying to get them killed. In other words, the bidding war needs to be spread around instead of locked between one player and any random AI he's desparate to make take the brunt of the pirates. When the pirates come up and the bidding starts, AIs should be trying to screw over each other - not just content to IGNORE the pirate opportunity completely, because "lol it's targetting that stupid human we all agreed to gang up on rofl".