I already disregard stats in my mind.
Sad, but true...
Yeah, at this point, I think I'm gonna stick with playing for fun, with whomever is willing to start the game in under 2 hours. Stats are indicative of a different game I prefer to call "Lobbygod".
I think we are on the same page here.
I'm not entirely sure this will be all that constructive, but I'll take a shot. I'll also add that because the general tone of this thread is hostile, I doubt the thread will last for long in a open state. It is SD's forum after all, but who knows...
Here are some FACTS illustrating some pretty huge issues with the stats. The only somewhat recent enhancement that I am aware of is that SD removed the AI from pantheon so that humans would no longer be able to fight against AI only for exp to improve their ladder ranking. To the best of my knowledge, these following issues are NOT being addressed by anyone. Not to say they aren't being looked at, but SD has not made any comments that I am aware of publicly.
- The host of a 1v1 can make the game vanish 100% of the time if they want (lousy solution - only host your own 1v1 games and don't use the explot yourself). This obviously should be fixed, but its so rediculously easy to do that you can't even really call it an exploit unless a player messages in game and says "This game won't count, ass. I'm going to make it not count by using this dumb exploit." Then, that player might get banned. Otherwise, they can simply say I didn't know or ignore you.
- The host of a 2v2 can make the game vanish approximately 95% of the time (lousy solution - only host your own 2v2 games and don't use the exploit yourself). Want to see a simple example of someone indicating that they "don't know about an exploit", but use it all the same? See here: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/370938. Are they really cheating? Maybe, maybe not, but we can only say what happens when they play and lose and that stats are gone (incidentally, I'm just providing an example... not really looking to stir up shite with those fellows).
- The same tricks do not work the same way in 3v3's and above. There, all you need it someone to trigger a desync. Still a trivial matter. This can result in a win for one person, a loss for all, or for the game to simply vanish.
- It is a trivial matter to not lose experience even if you lose a game. So, using yet another obnoxious trick, people could lose all of their games and stay at the base level EXP.
Banning: Triggering desyncs is the only thing I've mentioned so far that appears to be considered bannable by SD. To date ( that I'm aware of anyway) 2 people have been banned. Those 2 people set up new accounts and still play the game. SD has indicated that while they abused the system on their old accounts, they have not done so on their new ones, so its a-ok with them to still get to play. So be it. 1 other person was banned due to a screenshot that looked incriminating and then had his account reinstated. I don't think he plays DG anymore. The only method (that I am aware of) for getting a ban is an incriminating screenshot, complete with a caption indicating some dummy is running their mouth, that is causing or about to cause a desync. Or an idiotic post on the forum where an individual tells SD that they will hack the game and there is nothing they can do to stop it. In short, to be banned, to date, you have to be a complete idiot. And note, I'm talking about banned from Demigod, not banned from making posts on the forum. That's much easier to get banned over
If anyone at SD is interested in resolving the existing stat issues that I listed, I am willing to assist if I am able. I can run some test scenarios and provide you with specifics on how the exploits work, etc. Obviously, putting together some test cases and working through various scenarios takes quite a bit of time. Please don't ask me to provide the information unless there is something you can or will do with the data. I'm not sure if you guys are aware that there are still pretty big issues or where you guys are with things now.
Here's the thing. As much as I hate to say it, Demigod is a game that in its current state, is designed for casual players. It's overlay feature is designed to help balance games, but also keeps friends/clans from playing together. The stat system, while functional, is easily manipulated. There are enough loopholes so that the ladder is not only inaccurate, but isn't really a reflection of who the best players are.
Oh and regarding the hall of shame - I'd be pretty surprized if its even monitored. If you have a point blank screenshot of someone saying "Check me out. I'm desyncing this game yo" followed by a screenshot of the desync, start a post requesting a ban. That's my 2 cents anyway.