To me, the is no other internet community!! I participate in no other forums and I don't do social network sites like FaceBook or Twitter. Wincustomize covers so many of my online needs (social, skinning, news and tech info) that I have no need of another community. More than that, I have made so many great friends here and I feel like I belong here.
Furthermore, many online forums do not make new comers feel all that welcome and it takes ages to become accepted and fit it, sometimes not at all. That was not the case for me here at WC. My first forays into the forums here took off a little slowly (maybe some folks were afraid I 'was' starkers), but things soon gained momentum and was made to feel at home by so many fantastic people.
Some of those folk are no longer here (or at least they no longer post), but many great new comers have joined our ranks to participate and contribute their thoughts and ideas. Hence the community spirit here is surely alive and well.
many of you have become more than friends, you are family.
This reminds me of the Sister Sledge song: "We Are Family". We may not be related by blood, but we're certainly related by a common bond and a love of this great community.