Heh. Knew I was forgetting something. =P
I wonder if we could make a Planetary Buildout macro for DL and DA with this. It would be easy enough to populate tiles so long as the player starts with the same buildings in the same order of availibility every time. The trick is going to be getting the correct structures on the bonus tiles. This color-recognition could be the key.
There is also a chance that transparency and/or anti aliasing are going to mess with you there, not giving you fixed RGB values to work with. Some of that may even depend on the GFX board or drivers and then not work for "someone" even though you can't reproduce the inevitably reported "bug".
Been a long time since I played around with that feature but if you really want to create something usable, better pay attention to the detection routine. If there are unforseen problems then most likely with that. The actual code for what to build when - that's just math.
Someone would see AHK as cheating? How does that work?
I always thought the MV (which this is probably about) was a battle of wits, not about who has the sturdier wrists or a higher physical pain resistance.
Macros and/or bots in FPS/MMORPG are an entirely different matter. That does gain you more power, more frags, more whatever - especially in PvP environments. But in an offline strategy game? That's a bit... silly.
If your strategy doesn't work, the same strategy with an extra 2000 macroed clicks wouldn't work, either.
In X3 (my usual haunting grounds as "Gazz" =P) new players often equate mods/scripts with cheating... which is ridiculous. Most mods/scripts actually make gameplay more balanced (or harder) or fix bugs with the AI, interface, or gameplay. Still, many online players are conditioned to see all 3rd party "stuff" as hacks or cheats so they wouldn't even consider taking a look and forming an opinion for themselves.
Of course one can cheat with X3 scripts. It's pitifully easy. That's exactly why it's no challenge to all the scripters/modders there. A 5 line script may give you infinite riches and the best gear in the game but that doesn't get you any recognition or bragging rights. So why bother? =P AHK, however, cannot create any objects or credits. You can't use it to cheat, only to do the clicking you would do manually otherwise.