Okay, I've been behind Stardock in the concept, even as things evolved - even the idea of favor. But now I'm not so sure.
Just finished an awesome match with several good players. A Sedena and an Erebus bot against two Oaks in a Citidel match. The Sedena player was awesome, ( nl2mm ), and I almost "conceded" when the war rank for 5-1 against, and Sedena got to level 6 before either Oaks got to level 3.
After a gruelling 101 minute match, where most of mine take less than 30, of back-and-forth, trying different things, etc, etc. All the Oak's got was 10 favor points apiece for participant, while Sedena got'em all.
Now, I'm certainly don't mind the Sedena getting the points, the player was awesome, but still it actually was (or seemed ) a close match.
Somehow, it seems that favor should also be tied to the closeness. Wouldn't know how to quantify that, though. Maybe War Rank - each team gets 10 favor points for each War Rank of their citadel, because it pleases the Ancients.
(p.s. I've just adjusted my title, to something less provocative )