We've all been here - your fleet is getting decimated and you need to fall back now! Then you proceed to pull out your hair and scream at the computer as the ships partake in what is probably the stupidest, worst pathfinding I've ever seen in any game - ever. Yes, even Morrowind where enemies would get stuck on the other side of tables and swing at you wildly, because the pathfinding wasn't hurting ME like it does in Sins.
Let's say you hit the retreat button - behold as your ships all try to congregate into the same tiny spot in space, bouncing each other out of the way, and nobody ends up going anywhere. Instead of falling back to the MINIMUM part of the gravity well to jump, why are they all going to the same spot?
God help you if there's a capital ship you want to save - he'll stop, then begin the agonizingly slow process of turning 160 degrees to the side, moving three feet, then turning back to get out of the way of a trade ship, taking damage the entire time.
Then there's the part where some of your ships just do whatever they want. Half my fleet got split and slaughtered by pirates because one half decided to simply stop moving, while the rest ignored the 'Jump as Group' order and did whatever the fuck they felt like.
There is one situation I didn't address there because I forgot - when multiple units are using the same jump point in close proximity, ideally the ones closest should move slightly further outside the gravity well than necessary - it takes but a moment and frees up space for other units behind them. The current behavior is to stop right on the edge, meaning there's lots of bouncing and jostling around.
Fix it please