> The Vasari get a tech that reduces their ships' masses, which I'm assuming improves their acceleration. It's bundled with the third set of armor upgrades, tier 6 I think? Basically, the first armor upgrade (T3) is +1 per rank, the second (T4) is another +1 per rank (so +4 by this point), while the third is +0.5 armor and -4% mass per rank IIRC.
> "Faster star jumps" and "faster wormhole jumps" may not be in, explicitly, but since you start the game not being able to do either, I suppose you could argue that any speed is faster than none. And frankly, I think it'd be a wasted tech, since on most maps, there aren't that many wormholes and many maps are only a single star.
> Vasari also have a tech that improves jump speed when using Phase Stabilizers to travel.
> Vasari have a tech that shrinks down the size of grav wells, allowing them to jump in closer than the other races. This is also great if you're pursuing a fleet, as by the time they get to a point where they can jump, your ships will already be well outside the radius that THEY can jump, saving a lot of time.
So, to the OP, I'd say that most of the things you listed are already in the game, just not necessarily for the race you play. Some things are limited to artifacts, too.