Tons. Once you get the second level of miniaturization, they are the cheapest hull you can put constructor, colony, mining, trade, and transport modules on, making them ideal for such throw-away ships as long as speed isn't necessary. Beyond that, they get thrown under military starbase arrays to multiply their military score to a ridiculous factor (yes, I know huge hulls are technically better, but bleh - I start building fodder before I get huge hulls).
Hmm, I'll have to think about this, but I like my constructers, colony ships and transports to be fast.
I don't build military starbases anymore. I don't like fighting defensive wars.
I prefer to take it to the enemy. Which tiny ships are ill suited...
I don't like orbital defensive ships either. Well placed 'fast' fleets, I feel, are a much
more effective counter force.
And it takes nearly as much time to build a tiny ship as a medium one. Insane.
It would be cool if you could use them like fighters. With a zero Logistics value and able to
place them on larger ships, like a Carrier. Then I would build the hell out of them.