Listen, I'm a simple guy really, I like to come on play a good game of SOSE and call it a night, nothing spectacular. I've got a beef though, something that has erked me for sometime now. It's not a big thing, just a simple fix would do...this little change of course would help me especially when 90% of the players you end with on your team end up quitting somewhere along the line of game play, be it 15 minutes into the game or an hour, it's envitable that someone on your team is going to quit winning or loosing, unless of course, you know your teammate's personally. For the normal joe though, you get stuck with someone you've never played with 90% of the time. So my question is this, why can't they improve AI control for the D*cKHe*d's who quit on you? The AI's in multi-player never go where you want them to, they never do anything you ask, I'm issueing commands to them left and right and have to do it repeatedly...I feel as if I'm a knats ass hair away from begging the damn AI to attack or defend a particular planet....but they never do. If I"m lucky, I'll issue the command, and the AI will follow it, but once there it will attack or defend for a wee-bit, but then the AI decides to go off to another planet that's not even in the line of fire, a completely safe planet or it chooses a planet to zip off to where you like WTF is this stupid AI thinking? Once at the planet the AI will mull about until you have to FORCE and FORCE, CLICK and CLICK defend and attack commends until your fingers are sore or your mouse blows up. Everything else in the game I'm comfortable with and enjoy very much, it's this one little thing though that really really makes me think twice about going into multiplayer games. Is there a fix to this, or will there be a fix? Or is there something I'm just not doing right cause I've tried everything I know and nothing is working. Any help is greatly appreciated.