Forgive any newbieness here - I've not posted on message boards much before, so I apologise in advance if my screenshot appears massive, or if I'm posting in the wrong place...
I've been trawling the forum and the net for an answer to this issue but I can't seem to find one. I recently bought the GC2 ultimate bundle off the website, and everything worked fine until I came to play Twilight, as this issue doesn't appear in Dread Lords or Dark Avatar. The ships and planets do not appear, except for the icons (see attached screenshot). They appear in the bottom bar-menu (as you can see), planet menus and in the civ select screen, but ingame I get nothing except those icons.
I've tried updating the game to 1.96, my graphics drivers and even trying it on another computer (namely my admittedly out-dated laptop) without any luck. I've experimented with every ingame graphics setting, too. Other than this, the game works fine, and so I was unsure if a debug.err was appropriate (or even how to create one). I get the feeling it's just one setting that's out of kilter. Please help, as I really want to be able to play this!
My system specs are:
AMD 4600+ Dual Core
GeForce 8600GT
and the laptop's are considerably worse, though it happily plays Dread Lords and Dark Avatar.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,