Just to add my two cents, which used to be a dollar(thanks to Stephen Colbert for that one):
In my personal opinion, the reason these political threads sometimes (if not always) get out of hand is because someone with slightly or fully Conservative views have to come in and muck it up (and yes, I do realize that in me saying that, anyone who is a Conservative in America is going to flip out and bite my head off).
On the contraire my friend. What if I made a post about my inability to allow gay marriage on not just a religious level, but a government level? Liberals like you would not only bite my head off but drag my entrails around like raving dogs. There might be more than one reference to someone demanding free speech
In fact, conservatives are getting harder to locate because Liberals attack them with every possible chance they get.
I'm more of the "Invade your country, kill your leaders and convert you all to christianity" Kind of guys.
I find that most Conservatives are so quick to join the bandwagon of other conservatives that they never stop and imagine the damage that they are causing.
Ohhhh if it weren't for your statement below I so could have sent you about a thousand links but for now I will make only one reference: Universities. Free Speech or Liberals only spots? (With the exception of BYU)
Anne Coulter got food thrown at for doing a speech at a university. Free speech advocates at universities or Liberalism spawning grounds?
I would like to pause and state right now that us Liberals are no better.
You are so lucky you said that, I was SO close to calling you on it!
We are just as bad as most conservatives.
-What? We are all humans, we all have the same problems. No one person's problems/habits have never happened before.
Same person, just with a different face and different ideals. Now, I know the above statement probably completeley contradicted my entire arguement, but bear with me.
Trust me, I'm doing my best trying to bear with you. Tooth and claw.
First of all, in America, what group of people generally cause uproars over nothing? I have seen that across the United States, the Conservative-minded people will jump to conclusions over "facts" that are based soley on lies. Im very politically charged, ready to defend my view points.
Global warming all America's fault or Global Warming man's fault, take your pick. My denying of global warming is no different than your denying of 9/11 down below which I didn't bother quoting because it's late and I want to go to bed early tonight.
The fact that you haven't heard about the
Uranium findings/shipping really astounds me- wait, not really.

Let teh flaming begin!
Oh and edit so I can say i really did contribute to the conversation I find that in the UN reverse-psychology works very well when dealing with those in the UN due to the EU's fanboi condescending "The EU is better and much more sophisticated than America"