I've just played the first two scenarios of the new TA campaign; the AI's are behaving much differently with regard to espionage than they did in DA.
The Korath in scenario 1 and the Yor in scenario 2 were both laying on the spies, despite struggling economically, which is unusal in itself -- perhaps explained by the increased AI in TA? -- but I also noticed that it was much more difficult for me to rid myself of their spies.
Previously, as you all know, the cost of getting a spy depends on how many spies one already has. If you have no spies, it shouldn't take too long to produce one. The third takes longer to produce than the second, etc.
However, in the two TA scenarios, it seemed that the amount of time I needed to get a new spy was markedly increased, and seemed to increase much more so when enemy spies were already infecting my planets, rather than being based on how many spies I have comissioned. This could be my imagination, but I've played enough DA that I definitely noticed that things were behaving much differently -- hard to say after only the two games.
Has anyone else noticed this? Is it intentional?