Admiral Ayako's fleet of 4 Kol class BBs led by a Dunov BC and @ 12 Kodiak CAs with a supporting fleet of 12 Percheron CVLs led by Vice Admiral McCailin was able to cross the "T" of a similiarly sized fleet of human ships last night.
The tactic actually works in this game, as most of your ships are able to fire on the enemies, while only a small percentage of them are within range. Ayako's ships kept moving while McCailin's fighters distracted the enemy's heavier units, we were able to cause extensive damage to their fleet, leading to the loss of seveal of their planets later in the year, and a decisive shift in the war. All without the loss of a single Miyamoto ship!
Admiral Ayako is now the toast of the Miyamoto Dominance! Her fleet started moving the instant they arived from phase space near Ao-5, unlike the unruled mob the enemy formed, Ayako's First Fleet formed in a line and destroyed 3 enemy battleships and an uncounted number of enemy frigates. Fleet command has stated that the two remaining useful planets in the system, Ao-3 and Ao-4 should fall soon, especially with the new Heavy Carrier Shinano being attached to her fleet as new Flagship of the Miyamoto Navy!
Soon we will bring the war to the enemy's doorstep, we will burn their worlds, destroy their industries, they will regret forever the day they attacked the Miyamoto Dominance!