However, the point of some peoples complaint is not that they have any intrinsic problem with SDC it's just they have no internet access at home (or only dialup which is unsuitable for downloading Gigabytes of data) and they're prohibited from installing the game and SDC at work so as to get updates. These folks are few but that doesn't mean that I think their needs should be ignored.
Is it reasonable to cater to those people, though? I mean, I'm certainly sympathetic; I don't think I could live without the internet (it's more important than food and sleep! ), but in this day and age, having a connection when you want to play games is a given, multiplayer or not. Much like one cannot expect to play new games without a good video card or a decent processor, one cannot expect to play without internet access.
I agree that some allowance should be made for those savages who live on the outskirts of civilization and are forced to resort to dialup, but what can be done, reasonably? Games today
require gigabytes of data. Perhaps creating
more but smaller packets might be a reasonable alternative, or sending a CD to a person if they are willing to pay shipping and printing costs?
At the end of the day, while I am sympathetic to their plight, I think it's unreasonable for such people to expect much. If you want to hear the tune, you have to pay the piper.