During the upload 4 times I have trouble uploading
One went up no prob the 2nd gets this code uploading the preview
Hello,Sorry to hear you are having issues. I test this and I can upload 2 test wallpaper back to back without issue. Have you tried again.
Thank you.Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
Sed, what are the file names? Do they have non alpha-numeric characters?
Can you give us a screenshot? I ask because I've never heard of a zero error.
I rebooted and tried again .... Didnt work
Rebooted again and it worked fine... I chked the size vs anyother I put up and all the same size
Wasn't size --- what does zero code mean anyway??
I have no idea. Too bad you didn't get a screenshot of the notification.
I noticed yesterday the Admin section of Wincustomize was offline [404] so probably nothing was able to be uploaded. I'd expect it's all OK now...
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