The recent update of Start 11to version 2.5 has made it unusable to me (taskbar on second monitor not clickable). Where can I download older versions to go back to?
I believe Stardock is working on a fix for this, and it should be released in a new Beta this week. Keep an eye open in the Start11 2.5 Release Feedback Thread for an announcement of the release.
That's unfortunate. They should offer a rollback option when one of their updates breaks the software...
For now I will just have to disable the "enhanced" taskbar.
I always perform updates by downloading the installers from my account download page so that I have access to all the versions in case I need to roll back. I actually do this with all my software, because a lot of vendors don't publish old installers.
That's a lot of hassle for a basic feature the developer should offer imo.
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