how can i get win 11 pro to remember window size + position
Hello,Sorry to hear you are having issues. Need to know more details please. This issue is related to which Stardock Software?
Thank you.Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
i am not using stardock sw. what stardock sw would address this problem?
I believe, there is none, there is no software under Stardock can control Windows size or position of it.
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
Windows 11 Pro should always remember the window size and position of the last place it was open. If you move it, then it will remember that position. You could try Microsoft PowerToys, FancyZones. It's a very powerful and customizable module of PowerToys to organize window size and position on your screen. It's available in the Microsoft Store. Check it out.
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