If a windowblinds theme is applied it breaks the taskbar, start menu and explorer when StartAllBack is running.
It's not a big issue as I only like the segmented taskbar feature of StartAllBack, and there are alternatives for StartAllBack, butI'd like to know if Startdock would somehow patch this issue.
They fixed taskbar not being skinned while Classic shell is running in the past, so perhaps they could do the same for StartAllBack?
You can see the WindowBlinds taskbar briefly show up when applying a theme before it gets replaced with the broken one.
Found issues
- Taskbar become entirely empty with only the start button visible
- Ttaskbar is either translucent or fully transparent
- Start menu has bugged text and context menus with some themes (Like Luna) (Text is white (like background) and context menus titles are misalinged, drawn multiple times over each other and have black background)
- Explorer doesnt start at all,. Only the "Browse" window (and perhaps comtrol panel) works