Groupy continues to disregard rules and auto-group windows in a seemingly random manner. Is this something that is close to having a resolution? It's been a well-known issue for a while but doesn't seem to be any closer to a fix.
It makes Groupy unusable to me because when it groups a window that's been defined to not auto group, it will change the size of the window. I've got many windows carefully sized and have columns whose widths are carefully sized. When you drag those windows back out of a group, the window will have been resized and column widths altered. There are more reasons Groupy is presently unusable in my opinion, but this is the main one for me.
I'll just mention 3 more..
1. It doesn't matter if the option to show a Groupy bar above the top of the title bar is turned on or not, if you open Control Panel in File Explorer, that bar is displayed at all times, whether on or off, and whether hovering the mouse over the title bar or not.
2. Custom Rules. These can only be used to have windows auto-group. There needs to be a way to define the rule to do the opposite. That is, disallow windows from auto-grouping. This is because the custom rules have the option of identifying windows by Process, Windows Class, Window Caption (partial or whole string, and Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel / Microsoft PowerPoint file or File Explorer folder (optional). I've mentioned before FreeCommander file manager. I'd like it to auto-group but currently can't allow that because of the behavior of Groupy. Every single dialog box that gets opened by FreeCommander gets maximized and placed into a group by Groupy if I allow auto-grouping of FreeCommander.exe. If I could use the custom rules to disallow all those by their Process, Class, or Caption, I could prevent that from happening and FreeCommander would function as intended. Another huge problem is that some of these dialog boxes that get maximized and grouped don't have enabled the use of the mouse to drag and drop to resize them. So you're stuck with a huge dialog that you can drag out of the group, but you can't resize it back to normal.
3. It seems like complaints people bring up fall on deaf ears and never get resolved, which makes it less likely for us to take the time to provide feedback.
Below is a picture of how to set things to never auto group and below that, a second picture is the list created of them that gets completely ignored. If I have Groupy enabled and auto group on, that list doesn't get obeyed. This doesn't allow you to exclude in the various ways custom rules have as triggers either.