You. Are. Not. Helping.
I have been using Fences 4 for a year. I have been using Deskscapes 11 for a year. I paid for the Object Desktop Suite so that I could have these specific softwares. These are my "old issues" in your ridiculous analogy. I don't want Fences 19 or Deskcapes 34 beta or whatever new updates come out.
Now that my year long subscription to UPDATES and BETAS has ended, I can no longer install Fences 4 or Deskscapes 11 on my recently formatted system.
"You will still have all those magazines you received during the time of the active subscription." is EXACTLY what I don't have, and what you clearly agree I should have because that's what I paid for. Continually lying to my face about what I do have, when I tell you I don't is not helpful.
This is my post, telling a company that I had a business transaction with exactly what I think of their deceptive business practices. I didn't ask a single question, and you don't actually have the right to comment on my statement even though you have the ability to. Thats a behavior you learned on the internet but learned NOT to do in kindergarten. Grow up and shut your mouth.
Any further attempts by thieves at Stardock or their belligerent fans to contact me will be considered harassment. If you have something you want to say, tell it to someone who cares. This thread and my email inbox are closed. Go away.