There are a few things that I don't seem to be able to do in the taskbar settings that I want to be able to do. Perhaps I'm just not finding the settings that I'm looking for or they just aren't there (yet).
I'm running on 3 horizontal monitors. The primary monitor is the central monitor. I only want the start button, widgets, clock, etc. to appear on the primary monitor. Currently, all of those are reproduced on all of the monitors. I've checked Start11 settings and Win11 settings and can't find a way to turn those off.
The second thing is that I want to task buttons to center on the primary monitor and then be right-aligned on the left monitor and left-aligned on the right monitor so that the buttons are pushing towards the center. I'd also like to try out the secondary monitor's taskbars to be vertical with the primary monitor being at the bottom of the screen. The setting in Start11 only has options for "align bottom" and "align top". The side alignment is just something that I'd like to be able to try, but I've never done before, so that's not a big deal.
The other 2 items I used to do with DisplayFusion, but if I have that running, then the secondary monitors do not expand the descriptions on the secondary taskbar buttons and I'd prefer to see the descriptions over having the buttons pushed closer to the middle.
Thanks! This is looking great.