You can always make a request right here in this forum for your Deskscape needs.
We will do are best to get you an answer .
as far as the Trial it's one and done so can't use it again. DeskScapes 10 app is available
2 ways as a stand alone or included in Object Desktop ( on sale now) ...... https://www.stardock.com/products/deskscapes/download
as part of Object Desktop DeskScapes 11 ( in the works right now ) would be included when ready .
BTW .. you file did not download ..
Making Dreams for your personal use anything is fair game , if you want to make to upload to the site
then there are Guidelines that have to be met https://forums.wincustomize.com/144934/page/1/#replies
Here's is one link a help tutorial of sorts https://forums.wincustomize.com/461882/page/1/#3556543
Dream making requires some video editing skills and some programs to help with that .
So if you have those skills great if not then will take some practice to work on them .
With the DeskScapes app clicking on the online tab will load tons of dreams or
click on a author to get their dreams loaded up . Lot of Special Effects features are included.
As you go forward if you have a question just post here in the forum in DeskScpaes.
This video gives you a quick DS10 view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6V8ntd8-TA
and lastly make sure your Windows 10 OS is fully updated to it's latest version for best results.
** also in the future it is best to post a screenshot here in the forum for us to see or a
video capture or a Link to view .... do not post a file to be downloaded .
Stardock Community Assistant ( and Dream Maker )