Some installers though seem to demand a "confirm admin rights, UAC" prompt whether they are launched from an elevated session or "Run As Admin", hence why I was asking if the Fences installer had an option to not prompt
I would venture to say 'most installers that integrate \ deeply interact with Window's core functions require admin rights'. Most of our popular apps do, Fences being integrated into the Windows File Explorer process.
As you noted, that is another way to bypass the prompt, to turn down \ off UAC. If you are confident you have admin privileges with your command prompt, and they are being passed to anything it runs, it would follow that you could adjust UAC (at least for that install) and not have it show.
This all assumes you still want the subsequent install dialogs to show for the user, where you want them to participate in the installation. While all still holds, that you will need to run it from an elevated command prompt, you can opt for the silent install with the /s option. This process has been available for several years now
Hope that helps.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager